What are green technologies and do entrepreneurs see the importance of eco-development? How can subsidies help them?
Below you will find information about what green technologies are and from which major programs you can apply for a grant in the coming years. I will also provide examples of current competitions and examples of successes of Polish projects in the field of green technologies. You will also learn what you can get a subsidy for. But before I go into that, I will first describe where it started.
Environmental pollution and climate change, caused by careless human activity, have reached a tipping point. Due to the growing environmental awareness not only of societies and their decision makers, but also of economic entities, the need for a global intensification of actions to improve the current state was noticed by national governments and intergovernmental organizations, including the EU, which created an action plan called “European Green Deal” “.
“The European Green Deal (EGD) is a strategy development, which is to transform the European Union into a neutral area climatically. It is a response to the climate crisis and strong environmental degradation processes. According to the general assumptions of the Green Deal the European Union is to become a climate neutral, fair and economical society, modern, resource efficient and environmentally friendly.”
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Protecting the natural environment and reducing threats to human health, climate and biodiversity is one of the main goals of the long-term policy of the European Union. In the new financial perspective of the European Commission, emphasis is placed on promoting broadly understood pro-ecological solutions and supporting the SME sector in this regard.
One of the main programs under which entrepreneurs will be able to obtain support for their green projects is the European Funds for the Modern Economy Program (FENG).
FENG 2021-2027 has a budget of EUR 7.9 billion. Within this budget, one priority will be entirely allocated to the green transformation of the economy – EUR 800 million and to the Horizon Europe Framework Program – almost EUR 95 billion, including the European Green Deal. Innovations in this area can be developed in different ways, but for a common goal – the protection of the environment and natural resources.
FENG will support, among others research, implementation of innovations, the use of advanced technologies, increased competitiveness of Polish SMEs as well as industrial transformation
and entrepreneurship. FENG will be available to entrepreneurs and companies, institutions from the science sector, corporate consortia and business environment institutions, i.e.
entrepreneurship, innovation centers and financial institutions. FENG will offer subsidies, equity and guarantee financial instruments, instruments combining repayable and subsidy financing. We can expect the first competitions from the FENG program (2021-2027) to be announced in the second half of 2022.
Below you will find examples of current calls for proposals. New technologies in the field of energy is a grant awarded by the National Center for Research and Development (NCBR). The budget of the program is PLN 377.7 million. The co-financing is directed to SME enterprises and large companies that want to develop new technologies or develop new products in such areas as:
• Solar energy,
• Onshore wind energy,
• Offshore wind energy,
• Technologies for the production and use of hydrogen,
• Energy storage and energy and heat microgrids,
• Energy use of waste and heat from post-process gases,
• Energetic use of geothermal heat (geothermal).
The competition is open to consortia consisting of at least one enterprise and at least one research unit. The consortium leader must be an enterprise. The co-financing can be used for costs related to the development and testing of new technological or product solutions (including salary costs, costs of R&D services outsourced to other entities, costs of prototyping, etc.) Find more here: Nowe technologie w zakresie energii (II konkurs) – Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju – Portal Gov.pl (www.gov. pl).
The EIC Accelerator competition from the Horizon Europe program co-finances ground-breaking research and innovation.
The budget is as high as EUR 1,087.6 million. The subsidy was directed to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises as well as “small mid-cap” employing up to five hundred people. As part of the EIC Accelerator, you have the opportunity to finance technological, social or service innovations that are related to breakthrough innovation and have the potential to be implemented on the European or global market. EIC Accelerator – Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy (kpk.gov.pl)
What are green technologies and do entrepreneurs see the importance of eco-development? Green technologies are the logical consequence of resource depletion, urbanization and climate change. Their goal is to provide clean air, water and energy. Green technology is a component of six main elements: environmentally friendly energy and energy storage, energy modernization, more efficient use of raw materials, recycling, sustainable water management and sustainable transport.
An example of a subsidy for green technologies is “Development and implementation of innovative technologies, environmentally friendly, improving material management and using renewable energy sources in the Polimarky company.”
Project value: TU 6 572 013.00 PLN
Co-financing value: EUR 668,048.83
If you want to know more about this project or find more examples of the success of Polish companies implementinginnovative pro-ecological technologies, find more at: PARP.
Green technologies are not only wind turbines and solar panels. Among the interesting projects implemented in Poland that fit into the idea of the European Green Deal and concern green technologies are, for example, air quality monitoring and forecasting systems, molecular tests to minimize chemical spraying, mobile waste processing lines to avoid human contact with hazardous substances, and modern electrical city vehicles.
The value of renewable energy is estimated at EUR 90 billion. Green technologies lead to a new type of economy. There are proven business models for the production of energy products
and technology that are used in environmental protection technology. Most companies recognize the importance of eco-development. The fashion for ecological business in our country is gaining momentum. The greatest emphasis is on trade.
Introducing ecological solutions pays off. In addition to the obvious reasons for caring for our planet, it is also a great way
to conduct marketing communication. A brand that cares about modern solutions, with respect for the environment, evokes only positive associations. Below you will find a company that took advantage of European funds, introduced an innovative product and reduced its ecological footprint.
An example may be a project by Comptest Sp. “Development and implementation of an innovative service for the repair of telecommunications equipment – intelligent recycling” Project value 306 967.48 EUR. The project consisted in developing a service unavailable on the Polish market, enabling the repair of telecommunications equipment and its re-use, after obtaining components from used equipment. As a result, it will be possible to maximize recycling activities, reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere by extending the life cycle of products, and to manage materials more efficiently.
Another interesting project is: Implementation of the R&D project by launching the production of a go-kart with an electric drive and a replaceable power system. As part of the project, an innovative electric go-kart design with a replaceable power supply system was implemented.
The product innovation uses solutions unavailable on the European market, such as:
• the ability to quickly replace the battery without having to put the go-kart away for charging;
• regenerative braking, allowing the recovery of energy lost during braking;
• wireless remote integration in the controller setting, enabling switching to safe driving mode;
• a new switch handle that allows the angle of inclination to be changed without the need to use control devices on the diagnostic stand;
• leveling of body corrections after frame deformation.
The use of an electric motor reduces the emission of exhaust gases and noise, and thus does not have a negative impact on the environment. The introduction of a new product influenced the perception of the company as an innovative company, offering the best and most modern solutions with the use of modern technologies.
Name of the Operational Program: Eastern
Project value: PLN 3,955,000.00
The global market for green technologies and sustainable development has been valued at $ 10.32 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach $ 74.64 billion by 2030 (Allied Market Research).
This means that companies leading in the development of green technology have a great opportunity for development. The EU perspective 2021-2027 offers many opportunities for companies planning pro-ecological projects. Do you want to find out what you can spend the subsidy for? You can spend the funds, for example, on the thermal modernization of the company’s buildings, the introduction of energy-saving technologies or the reconstruction of the production line. If you plan to obtain energy from renewable sources (e.g. by installing solar panels), the expenses for this
purpose may also be part of the project
Perhaps you also need a modernization of heating, air conditioning or ventilation. You can also apply for funding for the production of energy from renewable sources. These are projects involving, for example, the creation of wind, solar, geothermal or biomass-based power plants. When you receive funding for this purpose, you can use the generated energy for your own purposes, but the surplus can also be transferred to the power grid.
If you want to know the most interesting projects so far implemented with European Funds in Poland, check this page. Who knows, maybe the successes of others will inspire you. Przykłady najciekawszych projektów – Ministerstwo Funduszy i Polityki Regionalnej (funduszeeuropejskie.gov.pl)
For addiitonal articles, check out our FUNDED magazine.